Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just another day

So Barry forgot Gavin's parent teacher conference. As a teacher I KNOW what is going through Miss Desi's mind. "freakin parents can't get their crap together and poor Gavin suffers" Yeah, that's what I think sometimes. But it is a Christian preschool so she probably just prayed for us, lol. Yup, I feel like a crappy parent. Sometimes life gets in the way. UGH. So I get home and again, Barry has more work to do so I take the little ones to swimming. They're fine. I'm a bit irrtated that I have to take them and not Barry as I had planned. Oh well. I'm on my way home and ready to go to Ash Wednesday Mass. But since the timing of swimming lessons ran to close to 6pm Mass I missed it. We missed it. I'm again feeling crappy. Gotta love Catholic guilt. I know it's not a Holy day of obligation but I really wanted to go. Why oh why can't I get it together? I get home, cook the dream dinners meal I had defrosted, call the family to eat. Wait what? They've already eaten. Yeah, they were expecting to go to church so when I was at swimming with the kids Barry fed them. Is this day over YET? So I decide to unwind with yoga, sounds fantastic right? Well as I was getting into downward dog my own big 110 lb dog does his own stretch, yawns and gives me a nice wet kiss. Ick. Then he lays right next to my mat. All the while Brooklyn is doing the poses with me. At one point I was trapped on my mat. Brooklyn is glued to me, Fritz is on the other side and overtaking my mat. While I'm focusing on my breathing Brooklyn keeps asking while she is 2 inches from my face "Mommy you do esercise?" Yup, I started laughing and gave up. This is definitely a Calgon day! just 2 more days until Friday...........

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